Join the adventure...
Putting together a feature film is one of the most difficult, and nigh-impossible tasks that any creative person can undertake. Unlike many other creative endeavors, a feature film requires the collaboration of dozens and dozens of high quality professionals. On a low budget indie feature like ours, that also means finding incredible creative collaborators who care so much that they are willing to work without pay for months and even years to get the project made. And then, there's perhaps the greatest challenge of all: expense. Films aren't like paintings or dances or music recordings. They require great sums of money to pay for the hundreds of line items in the budget. And in order to raise this kind of money, the film must show some kind of risk-mitigation and/or return on investment, the kind of financial evidence which is impossible to get without first raising the money. This creates an almost un-solve-able Catch 22.
The only way to overcome these odds is to have the kind of dogged determination that allowed the Little Engine That Couldto pull a train over a mountain.
It takes passion, belief, and magic. And most of all, the belief and support of friends and family, who add their energy and resources to make something impossible become possible.
Help make this possible. Click here to view our Kickstarter campaign.
The only way to overcome these odds is to have the kind of dogged determination that allowed the Little Engine That Couldto pull a train over a mountain.
It takes passion, belief, and magic. And most of all, the belief and support of friends and family, who add their energy and resources to make something impossible become possible.
Help make this possible. Click here to view our Kickstarter campaign.